Richmond Art Center opens registration on summer classes

Ilah Jarvis' Beginning Watercolor class begins June 14. (Photo from RAC)

By Kathy Chouteau

The Richmond Art Center (RAC) is rolling out a new lineup of summer classes on its website for community members of all ages, with enrollment opening today.

Ranging from classes for kids to other options for teens and adults, the RAC’s summer classes also span different difficulty levels so everyone can get in on the artmaking and learning. Choose from class selections like Happy Habitats to Digital Art 101 to Evening Handbuilding and so much more.

A sweet deal is available for new students: Plug in the code sunshine2024 to receive a 20 percent discount off of your first class. The code is available only once per student and isn’t applicable to workshops. Art Boost scholarships are also available until May 15.

Click here to peruse the RAC’s summer classes and find the art center at 2540 Barrett Ave. in Richmond.