Contra Costa College food pantry open to all students

Contra Costa County food pantry open to all students
Image of food pantry credit to Contra Costa College.

Did you know that Contra Costa College keeps a food pantry open to all students, regardless of income, because, “groceries are expensive!”

Any enrolled student wanting to use it must sign in at the Student Life office in room 109 of the Student+Administration Building. You can also call (510) 215-4796.

The food pantry offers both canned and fresh food, and it’s just one of several of the college’s offering of basic needs to assist low-income students. The college also offers resources such as a free produce truck, connections to Cal-Fresh, Comet Care packages with items such as toothpaste, soap, shampoo, deodorant, feminine hygiene and shaving supplies. Those can be picked up at the Sparkpoint office in the Career and Transfer center, according to the college’s “Basic Needs” web page.

Shower facilities are also offered to students, as well as travel support including possible emergency Clipper Cards and a carpool program. Textbooks, calculators and even affordable health care coverage is offered to students.