Proposal for family residential development before City’s Design Review Board

Photo credit: Kathy Chouteau

By Kathy Chouteau

A proposal is afoot to build a large supportive and family residential development at 100 38th St. in Richmond, site of the former Tom Powers Richmond Health Center, according to a Staff Report associated with the City of Richmond Design Review Board Meeting Agenda for July 13.

Proposed plans for the residential development include construction of a five-story building and renovations to an existing two-story public office building that would yield 135 residential dwelling units, per the Staff Report.
The building site is owned by Contra Costa County, while Eden Housing, Inc. is the project applicant.

The Staff Report indicates that the project would need a “General Plan Amendment and Rezoning from Public, Cultural and Institutional (PCI) to Commercial Mixed-Use (CM-3) and a Conditional Use Permit for concessions and incentives under the State Density Bonus Law.”

Hector Lopez, the senior planner in the City’s Planning Division who completed the report, noted in it that the project’s architect is agreeing “to incorporate other design improvements to the new building” to include revisions to the building façade that will be submitted to the Design Review Board.

Lopez recommended that the Design Review Board continue the item to its July 27 meeting.