Red Cross needs help installing free smoke alarms in Parchester Village

Red Cross needs help installing free smoke alarms in Parchester Village
Photo credit: Red Cross
The American Red Cross plans to come to Parchester Village on May 4 in order to install free smoke alarms in homes, and is seeking volunteers to help.

Volunteers are asked to sign up here for Sound the Alarm, a home fire safety and smoke alarm installation event on May 4. They will work alongside fire departments and other local groups, canvassing areas to install free smoke alarms, replace batteries in existing alarms, educate families about prevention and safety and to fundraise for this life saving effort.

On May 4, folks will meet at Parchester Village Community Center at 900 Williams Drive at 8:15 a.m. After registration, breakfast and an hourlong training, installations will run from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Lunch will be provided around noon.

“Every day, seven people die in home fires and the Red Cross wants to do everything we can to prevent these needless tragedies,” organizers said.