Need a job or help paying for training?

Need a job or help paying for training?
Photo Credit: San Pablo EDC

The San Pablo Economic Development Corporation (EDC) has a federally funded program called WIOA that can help you find a new job. The EDC offers free job search assistance, case management, and training services to the public. WIOA also has funds available to help pay for training costs, and can help you find the right training program to advance your career goals.

For the time being, in the interest of public health, San Pablo EDC is providing services via phone and email only. WIOA orientations take place Tuesdays at 10a.m. sharp, via teleconference, and last 20 minutes.  To participate, dial (425) 436-6369. When prompted, use access code 589463 followed by pound or hash (#). The orientation will let you know how to connect with a career counselor, access job search services and receive training assistance.

The WIOA program helps place participants into high-wage jobs in growth industries. WIOA will also support job retention and training advancement. WIOA staff are actively working with job seekers and training candidates, despite social distancing requirements.