‘We Make Art in Richmond’ celebrates hyper-local creators

‘We Make Art in Richmond’ celebrates hyper-local creators
Photo credit: Mike Kinney

By Kathy Chouteau

NIAD Art Center’s new online and Main Gallery exhibition—“We Make Art in Richmond”—lives up to its name, with half of the participating artists working out of NIAD’s studio and the other half creating in their home studios in Richmond.

The exhibition was organized by native Richmond resident and artist Erin McCluskey Wheeler and will celebrate a Gallery Reception at NIAD Sat., April 13 from 1-4 p.m.

Twenty total artists are participating in the exhibition, spanning a range of disciplines, from bookmaking, textiles and ceramics, to printmaking, poetry and painting, according to NIAD. “There are artists who have put in decades making art and some that are just getting started.”

We Make Art in Richmond’s participating artists include: Andrés Cisneros-Galindo, Woody De Othello, Rebeca Garcia-Gonzalez, Anthony Grant, Laura Kamian McDermott, e bond, Lisa Rappoport, Kristin Farr, Jacqueline Sarah Brown, Karla Alfaro, Shawn Sanders, Saul Alegria, Julio Del Rio, Christian Vassell, Shana Harper, Karen May, Shantae Robinson, Maria Radilla, Deatra Colbert and Halisi Noel-Johnson.

NIAD is located at 551 23rd Street, Richmond. Peruse the art online and learn more about the exhibition here. Questions? Email [email protected].