Rich City Rides is calling out to community members to join them at the Richmond BART plaza Sun., Nov. 20 at 11 a.m. for the “3rd Anniversary of Richmond San Rafael Bridge Trail Ride & Party.”
All wheels are welcome and they’ll get rolling at noon. A post-ride party will follow at East Brother Beer Co.
The Richmond-San Rafael Bicycle and Pedestrian Path opened in the westbound direction in November 2019 as part of a pilot project.
Cyclists and trail enthusiast celebrate the bridge path for providing a safe connection for cyclists and pedestrians traveling on the Bay Trail between Richmond and San Rafael.
However, the $20 million bike path pilot project has been a source of controversy, drawing concern from residents over its possible negative impacts on traffic congestion and pollution.
Rich City Rides’ celebration on Saturday encourages community members to advocate to keep the bridge bike lane open.
“Show up to help us say ‘no’ to current bike/ped lanes and pathways being taken away to make room for more cars,” said Rich City Rides.
Learn more about Rich City Rides here. East Brother Beer Co., where the after party will be held, is located at 1001 Canal Blvd. in Richmond.