Proposal would rename Richmond playlot after neighborhood matriarch

Proposal would rename Richmond playlot
Photos of Virginia Playlot by Mike Kinney.

By Mike Kinney

Virginia Playlot at South 18th Street and Virginia Avenue might soon be renamed after  the late Floria Evans.

The proposal is scheduled to be reviewed at City Council on Tuesday, Oct 1.

Evans is described as a “neighborhood hero” who lived there for 65 years and who helped to raise and care for dozens of children who grew up in the area. 

On April 2, the family of Evans submitted an application to rename the park after her to the Recreation and Parks Commission. The Coronado Neighborhood Council provided a letter in support of the name change. One letter was filed in opposition to the name change.

Councilmember Doria Robinson, who brought the proposal to City Council, said Evans deserves to be recognized as a “hometown hero who anchored the neighborhood for more than a half century.”

Charles Evans, the owner of CJ’s BBQ & Fish at 24th and Macdonald Avenue, said he would be elated to see his late mother honored.

“We were one of the first Black families to live in the area,” Charles said. “And I was one of the first Black members of the Boy’s Club down the street from our home on S. 18th. My mother would take care of the kids from S. 15th Street to S. 23rd between Cutting and  Ohio avenues.”

With CJ’s BBQ & Fish, Charles said he’s carrying forward the tradition of feeding a community, as his mother had.

“All of my friends from all over that area would gather in our backyard and she would feed everyone,” he said. “She did a lot of work to help families and was doing amazing things to make our community shine and stand tall. My family and our community are extremely proud of her amazing legacy.”