Two-story classroom buildings planned for high school campuses

Richmond residents encouraged to participate in revamp of high school campuses

Richmond City Manager Sasha Curl encourages community members to participate in the ongoing effort to redesign the Kennedy High School and Richmond High School campuses.

The West Contra Costa Unified School District (WCCUSD) is hosting a public meeting (both in person and virtually) about the Kennedy High School modernization project at Kennedy High Tuesday, April 23, at 6 p.m. 

The WCCUSD will then host a public meeting (both in person and virtually) at Richmond High about that campus project Thursday, April 25, at 6 p.m.

“This is really important for residents to attend,” Curl said at Tuesday’s City Council meeting. “We know that a lot of our neighboring city high schools were redone significantly or in their entirety. We really want to make sure we advocate for our community.”

Kennedy High Project

On Nov. 8, the WCCUSD Board approved the scope and budget for the project at Kennedy High. It includes a new two-story classroom and office building along Cutting Boulevard. A cafeterium, or combination cafeteria and performance space, will replace the 500 Building. A remodel of the 600 Building and existing cafeteria will accommodate the Career Technical programs. The remaining building will be updated.

Design work for the project has begun.

Click here for more information.

Richmond High Project

Also on Nov. 8 following community input, the WCCUSD Board approved a scope and budget for the modernization of Richmond High that includes demolishing part of the classroom building and building a new two-story building along 23rd Street. The remaining portion of the classroom building will be updated, including adding new windows.

The large gym and 600 Buildings will be refreshed.

Click here for more information.