RYSE Center invites adults to experience its youth-designed campus

RYSE youth to create large-scale street mural on Bissell Ave.
RYSE Commons

The RYSE Center is hosting an exclusive one-night fundraising event during which adults are invited to experience its youth-designed campus.

The event, RYSE to the Future: Creating the World Young People Deserve, will take place Friday, April 26, from 6-10 p.m. at RYSE, 3939 Bissell Ave. in Richmond. The happy-hour-style party, exclusive to adults 21 and over, will feature food and drinks, activities, interactive games, RYSE shwag, dancing and more.

Ticket sales (click here for tickets) will support RYSE’s Youth Emergency Fund, which provides timely and direct resources to young people whose basic needs are not being met or are being threatened. Since it began, RYSE’s Youth Emergency Fund has supported over 400 young people in the local community. 

“Ever since the pandemic RYSE has been committed to raising a dedicated fund that can be used to support young people and their families’ most immediate needs — such as food, housing, and bills,” said Kimberly Aceves-Iñiguez, executive director and cofounder of RYSE. “RYSE’s Be A Kid event is dedicated to raising money for this fund and bringing community together to remind ourselves of that relationships, fun and joy are critical for our collective healing and liberation.”