Proposals for enhancements to Shields-Reid Park are making their way through the city planning process.
Set to go before the city’s Design Review Board on Aug. 9, the project proposes to add play areas, a small performance stage, bike pump track, picnic areas, habitat gardens, public art, shade trees, a 138 square-foot restroom, and lighting to the southern area of the North Richmond park.. Improvements also include a network of new accessible park pathways to connect visitors to the new amenities.
“Lower water use shade trees will be planted throughout the project area to cool visitors and the ground below,” the plans state. “Existing turf will be removed and replaced with new park amenities and drought tolerant and habitat planting will be used at strategic locations to provide visual interest.”
The plans were developed with community input, and are supported by both the Shields-Reid Neighborhood Council and the North Richmond Municipal Advisory Council.
“The project would improve the quality of life and further encourage and promote healthier families through education, creation of jobs, signage for safe public space, and beautifying the community of North Richmond,” said Marena Brown, president of the Shields-Reid Neighborhood Council, in a letter of support to the city’s Design Review Board.
Jesse Jones, landscape architect with Placeworks, is applying for the city design permit to move forward with the project on behalf of the city’s park division.
For more information on the project, visit here.