GoFundMe launched for family of teen who was shot while leaving De Anza football game

Fundraiser seeks to help family of teen who was shot leaving DeAnza football game
The Parker Family (Photo from GoFundMe)

By Kathy Chouteau

Feagley Realtors has created a GoFundMe page to help the Parkers—a Bay Area family that has suffered unconscionable personal challenges over the past two years—with a down payment on their home, according to a KTVU report.

The Parkers’ challenges began two years ago when then 16-year-old Ashley Parker was caught in the crossfire of a gang-related shooting while leaving a De Anza High School football game in Richmond. The incident left Ashley with a bullet lodged into her spine, causing her paralysis from the chest down. Part of her right lung was also removed due to the attack, per the report.

Ashley’s family modified their rental home to help their daughter with her mobility in a wheelchair.

The teen’s long road to recovery from serious injuries was compounded when her mother, Theresa, who was also her primary caretaker, suffered a brain condition called an AVM. Following her subsequent brain operation, Theresa has experienced seizures, visual complications and additional issues.

The Parkers’ landlord has decided to sell their property, and generously offered it to the family at a below market price. He has also lowered the Parkers’ rent to help the family during their many challenges. In order to secure a loan for the house, the Parkers need to raise a down payment.

That’s where Feagley Realtors stepped in and established the Go Fund Me to raise the $172,000 the Parkers’ need to purchase their specially modified home. To support the fundraising effort, click here. Watch a fundraising video detailing the family’s story here.