Monthly community cleanups make difference in Richmond

Monthly community cleanups make difference in Richmond
Photos of Sunday's community cleanup courtesy of Moving Forward.

The before-and-after photos tell the story: a community clean-up near the Grocery Outlet in Richmond on Sunday made a big difference. Expect more of this in 2021.

A group of 17 volunteers filled more than 20 trash bags at the formerly blighted site near San Pablo Avenue. Discarded items like mattresses, gas cylinders and used syringes were hauled to the dump. Local organizations Moving Forward and SOS! Richmond collaborated on the cleanup event, along with Honey-Do Hauling LLC which helped haul the trash to city dumps.

It is part of a relatively new monthly cleanup effort that organizers say will continue in 2021 on every second Saturday of the month. The project received funding from the Richmond Community Services Department (CSD) Mini-Grant program, a component of the Chevron Environmental Community Investment Agreement (ECIA) Grant Program.

“We are very happy to have completed our last cleanup of the year with so much support from our community and have contributed so significantly to helping keep Richmond clean and safe,” said Arleide Santos, spokesperson for Moving Forward, which works to make the community healthier and to provide educational resources to students in need.

Learn more about Moving Forward here.