A new art exhibit is being featured in the window display of the Point Richmond post office.
“Portraits of Life,” paintings by Cherie Carter, will run through Jan. 6 at the Post Office at 104 Washington Ave.
Carter connects her love of art and fascination of identity and character to her portrait biographies, revealing and documenting a person’s passions and life-altering experiences.
It’s not the only art exhibit being featured by the Arts of Point Richmond. Don’t miss a separate exhibit nearby in El Sol Restaurant.
The exhibit, called “Critters,” features oil paintings by Jeanne M. Hendrickson and photographs by Sharon Taylor-Ward at the Linda Lee Drake Gallery located inside the restaurant at 101 Park Place in Point Richmond. A combination of whimsical animal portraits, the exhibit will run through Jan. 27.
Arts of Point Richmond is a community association established to enrich the community by providing support, appreciation, and exposure for the arts. For more information, visit www.artsofpointrichmond.com.