By Mike Kinney
Soulful Softball Sunday, the organization that holds charitable community events throughout the year, including a popular annual softball tournament and community gathering at Nicholl Park, is holding its final event of 2021: the popular annual Roller Skating Party Experience, which also serves as a holiday toy collection event.
This year’s event starts at noon Sunday, Dec. 5 at Miller Knox Regional Park in Point Richmond. Although the event is free and open to the public, participants are asked to bring a toy to contribute to the toy drive.
“We’re working exclusively with The Ronnie “Bubba’ Robinson Foundation; each year they bless the community of Richmond with nice toys for those who are unfortunate,” said Soul Softball Sunday founder Rodney Alamo Brown.
Last year’s Roller Skate Party Experience drew over 250 people and resulted in the collection of over 500 toys from participants, Brown noted.
“This year is going to be very exciting, it’s our last experience of the year, so we’re throwing in all the bells and whistles,” Brown said.
The event includes a raffle of various gifts and gift cards, free for attendees. Well-known Chef Shef ShiMhi LilHungry will serve up her famous fish, dirty rice and green beans. She is known for original gumbo rolls. Music will be supplied by DJ Ron.
Brown noted it doesn’t take a lot of money or a nonprofit to bring experiences that benefit the community.
“We at Soulful Softball Sunday,” Brown said. “Thanks all of you who have supported us throughout the years. We always look forward to being a special part of your life.”