Juneteenth Caravan to roll through Richmond Saturday

An image from the 2019 Juneteenth parade at Nicholl Park in Richmond.

By Kathy Chouteau

Many Juneteenth observances have ended for this year, but in Richmond, the celebration will go on.

With a precautionary eye toward the COVID-19 pandemic, the African American Alliance will host a new take on Juneteenth festivities—the “Juneteenth Caravan” set for Saturday, June 27.

At 9 a.m. Saturday, vehicles will begin lining up at the North Richmond Missionary Baptist Church, 1427 Fred Jackson Way in Richmond, for the caravan. Then at 10 a.m., the caravan will proceed from the church on its route to Seventh St. and turn left onto Macdonald Ave., then right onto 22nd St., left onto Carlson Blvd., left onto Cutting Blvd. and will end at Kennedy High School in Richmond. To participate in the Juneteenth Caravan, register here.

“Come out as we continue to celebrate the 155th anniversary of Juneteenth, as well as spread the word about the 2020 Census,” the organizers said in a statement on Facebook.

Per the organizers’ event info, the African American Alliance is “a growing coalition of African American-led and serving organizations in the City of Richmond and West County.” The NAACP Richmond and the Neighborhood Block Association (NBA) are among its growing membership.

Aside from organizing the caravan, the coalition is also trying to raise awareness around completing the 2020 Census, which can be done here.

For questions about the Juneteenth Caravan, contact 510-375-1942, [email protected] or click here.