Black Panther, directed by Richmond and Oakland-raised Ryan Coogler, has become the first comic book movie to earn a best picture Oscar nomination on Tuesday.
To view all Oscar nominees for 2019, go here.
“While comic book films dominate at the box office, they had been passed over by the Oscars in the best picture category until now,” the Hollywood Reporter said of the nomination.
Credited with earning $1.3 billion worldwide while having a significant cultural impact, Black Panther also received nominations for best costume design, production design, sound editing, sound mixing, original score and original song, the news publication reported.
“The cultural impact the movie has had for almost a year now, all leads to his moment,” Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige told Heat Vision. “To see an individual like Ryan Coogler – who had something to say, who had a story, who had a vision, who had questions about his life and his background – to put all of that into a story that resonates the way this film does was incredible.”
Read the full story from the Hollywood Reporter here. The Oscars air on ABC on Feb. 24.