Moving Forward launches scholarships for students pursuing higher education

Moving Forward launches scholarships for students pursuing higher education
Photo courtesy of Moving Forward.

A Richmond nonprofit organization recently launched a new scholarship for local students needing financial assistance to pursue higher education.

Moving Forward is inviting local students to apply for the new Moving Forward Scholarship. Scholarship awards range from $500 to $1,500. The deadline to apply is July 15, 2024.

“We are excited to introduce the Moving Forward Scholarship as a means to invest in
the future of our community,” said Moving Forward Founding Partner Anselmo Ramirez. “Education is a powerful catalyst for positive change, and we believe in supporting individuals who have the potential to make a significant impact.”

To be eligible to apply for the scholarship, applicants must be between 17 and 29 years old with a cumulative minimum GPA of 2.5 or above, with exceptions for special circumstances considered, for example in the case of outstanding volunteer service. Applicants must have been accepted to attend a junior college, four-year university, graduate school, trade or vocational school.

Applicants must submit at least one letter of recommendation, and must participate in a minimum of two Moving Forward community events or two other local organization’s volunteer events.

The main criteria that applicants exhibit leadership skills and a passion for community service.

The Moving Forward Scholarship aligns with Moving Forward’s mission to make a positive
impact on the community through health, academics, and community service, according to the nonprofit organization.

“The team at Moving Forward understands the importance of higher education and wants to
help set future generations up for success,” nonprofit officials state. “By investing in education, we aim to empower individuals to overcome challenges and achieve their aspirations.”

For more information about the Moving Forward Scholarship, eligibility criteria, and
application details, click here.