Temple Beth Hillel welcomes community to Purim Carnival and Raffle

Temple Beth Hillel invites community to Urban Tilth lecture
Temple Beth Hillel is located at 801 Park Central in Richmond (I-80 Exit /Hilltop Drive).

By Kathy Chouteau

Richmond’s Temple Beth Hillel is inviting locals to grab their noisemakers, favorite costumes and masks for its Purim Carnival and Raffle Sun., March 5 from 12-2 p.m. at the temple.

Organizers said it will be a “fun-filled afternoon celebrating freedom from religious persecution” with an array of games, activities, a bouncy house and crafts for kids of all ages. A bake sale—to include hamentashen, a traditional Jewish “fruit filled pastry”—additional food and a raffle (Grand prize is a $200 Visa gift card) will also be part of the day’s festivities.

The event is free and open to everyone. Temple Beth Hillel is located at 801 Park Central in Richmond. Questions? Call 510-223-2560 or click here.