By Kathy Chouteau
The Richmond Art Center (RAC) has announced its lineup of three Winter Exhibitions, including Art of the African Diaspora, Connected Always and The Remembrance Project, on display at its galleries Jan. 18 through March 18, 2023.
Community members can check out Art of the African Diaspora Jan. 18 through March 18 in the RAC’s Main Gallery, with the Opening Reception being held Sat, Jan. 21 from 2-4 p.m. The exhibition will spotlight the work of more than 120 artists of African descent “through representation, professional development and building a creative community,” per the RAC.
Artists Derrick Bell, Cynthia Brannvall, and Pryce Jones will be featured in the exhibition and community members can find the Art of the African Diaspora print catalog at the center for info about open studios and satellite exhibitions off-shooting from the RAC event. Learn more about the exhibition here.
Amanda Ayala’s exhibition, Connected Always, will take place in the RAC’s South Gallery Jan. 20 through March 11, 2023. An Opening Reception is set for Sat., Jan. 21 from 2-4 p.m., while a free Ancestor Wheel Workshop and Artist Talk open to everyone will be held by the artist Sat., Feb. 18, 12-2 p.m.
Connected Always will see Ayala—who identifies as a Xicana indigenous visual artist—explore our ancestral connections through her latest works. The interdisciplinary Santa Rosa artist runs workshops “that combine artist liberation and social justice for people of all ages,” per the RAC, and will have one as part of her continuing Ancestor Wheel project during her RAC exhibition. Find out more about Ayala’s exhibition here.
The third Winter Exhibition, The Remembrance Project, will be shown in the Community Gallery Jan. 18 to March 18, with the Opening Reception being hosted Sat., Jan. 21 from 2-4 p.m., the Remembrance Project Workshop being held Sat., Jan. 28 from 2-4 p.m. and a Book Talk with Sara Trail happening on Sat., March 4, 1-2:30 p.m.
The Remembrance Project is not only “a cloth memorial of activist art banners commemorating the many people who have lost their lives to systems of inequity and racist structures,” per the RAC, but also two special events for community members—the aforementioned workshop and book talk.
The Social Justice Sewing Academy is presenting the cloth memorial, which has been created by volunteers nationwide “to help educate and inform communities about the human impact of systemic violence,” said the RAC.
The community can coalesce with others fighting for social justice and remember those lost to violence, while also learning about the academy’s work, through two related special events. A workshop Sat., Jan. 28 will blend craft, art and activism, while founder of the academy, Sarah Trail, will give a talk and book signing of her work Stitching Stolen Lives Sat., March 4. The events are free and available to community members of all ages. Learn more about The Remembrance Project here.
The RAC is located at 2540 Barrett Ave. in Richmond. Gallery hours are Wednesday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; the exhibitions and events are free and open to the community.