Volunteers needed for ‘Community Clean-Up’ of Nevin Park

Volunteers needed for ‘Community Clean-Up’ of Nevin Park
Photos by Melissa Habegger

By Kathy Chouteau

Moving Forward is calling out to community volunteers to show some love for their “other mother” this Sat., May 8 from 10 a.m. to noon at its “Community Clean-Up” of Nevin Park, 5th St. & Macdonald Ave.

“Get ready to roll up your sleeves and help clean one of our shared public spaces,” stated event organizers on the organization’s website. “We challenge you to bring your family, friends, neighbors, and youth to spend some time being the change we want to see in our community.”

Moving Forward will kick things off 15 minutes before the clean-up with coffee and donuts for volunteers. Those participating are asked to wear comfortable clothing, hats, closed shoes, sunscreen and masks (some will be available if needed). Cleanup tools including gloves, bags and tongs will be supplied to volunteers.

Volunteers needed for ‘Community Clean-Up’ of Nevin Park

Aside from cleaning up the park, volunteers will also help the Richmond Museum of History & Culture with a gardening project. Following the clean-up and gardening activities, the museum—which is located adjacent to the park—will offer volunteers free admission to check out its exhibits until 4 p.m. Moving Forward will also offer prizes to participants such as hats and pins.

According to Moving Forward Project Manager Anselmo Ramirez, “the Moving Forward Community Clean-Up project is funded, in part, by the City of Richmond CSD Mini-Grant, ECIA Community Grant and the generous support of our community.”

The Richmond Museum of History & Culture, Safe Organized Spaces (S.O.S) Richmond, Rich City Rides, Richmond Rotary Club and The Iron Triangle Neighborhood Council are all partnering with Moving Forward on Saturday’s clean-up.