Plans for disc golf course at Hilltop Lake Park face opposition

Proposal for disc golf course in Hilltop Lake Park
Hilltop Lake Park

Work on a controversial plan to build an 18-hole disc golf course at Hilltop Lake Park has been put on hold, and the project has been putted back to the city’s Recreation and Parks Commission for further public review.

The nonprofit East Bay Disc Golf Club, an all-volunteer group that helps run events and promote disc golf in the Bay Area, including at Berkeley Aquatic Park and Lake Chabot Golf Course, worked with the city and reportedly received nods from the Richmond Recreation and Parks Commission and Hilltop Neighborhood District Council to construct the course under the city’s Adopt-a-Spot program. The Adopt-a-Spot program allows a group to “adopt” city-owned land that they plan to improve. The nonprofit plans to hold tournaments at the park and offer free public access to the disc golf course.

However, neighbor concerns about the plans, along with concerns by City Council members over the process in which the plans were approved, prompted the city to halt work at the site, which city staff says has included clearing bushes and removing a dead tree.

A majority of council expressed concern over the project, particularly with its perceived lack of proper review and approval. City Manager Laura Snideman said the city followed existing policy and committed to reviewing whether changes need to be made to that policy.

Snideman said the project will return to the Parks and Recreation Commission for public review on April 7, and, if approved, will next face review at City Council.