By Kathy Chouteau
Rep. Mark DeSaulnier announced his expectations for a “full recovery” from pneumonia and his plans to resume his Congressional duties in a video posted to Facebook Monday.
In his first public address since taking a fall while running in Washington, D.C. on March 4—and subsequently breaking his ribs, contracting pneumonia and ending up in the ICU with a 10 percent chance of survival—Rep. DeSaulnier began by thanking his supporters, family and staff.
“Literally, we’ve got hundreds, thousands of emails, letters, phone calls in our District Office,” said the congressman about the outpouring of support he’s received, calling it “just wonderful.” He also expressed gratitude for his attending hospital staff, whom he said were “fabulous.”
Though Rep. DeSaulnier showed some signs of his illness, including a voice weakened from his time with a trach in his throat and on a ventilator, he is returning to work.
“It’s my intention this week, as the doctors have said, that I can fully do my job as I always have…I will resume, although I have started that already, attending our adjusted schedule,” he said. Rep. DeSaulnier will begin virtual meetings over the next few weeks and return to his work on the Rules, Oversight and Reform, Transportation and Infrastructure, and Education and Labor Committees.
The congressman also announced that he will return to District 11 “as soon as doctors allow us to fly,” which he hopes is in the next couple of weeks. At that time he will resume his Town Halls—virtually—on pressing issues such as health care and the economy.
It’s work that Rep. DeSaulnier hopes to continue for another term, which he also took time to reiterate.
“It is my full intention to seek reelection in November…and to spend the next two years hopefully in a new administration, with new control over both [chambers of] Congress, hoping to repair the damage of the last four years to this country…”
Wrapping up his video address on Memorial Day from his home in the nation’s capital, Rep. DeSaulnier tipped his hat to those who “gave their lives for this country.”
Then evoking Lincoln’s Gettysburg address, he said, “It is up to us, the living, in 2020—and our kids—to rededicate ourselves to shared sacrifice and individual sacrifice to make sure this country continues to success…as Lincoln said, to become a more perfect union.”
“I pledge to you, as long as my health provides for it, and you allow me to serve you, that I will do that. It’s such a great honor,” said Rep. DeSaulnier.
Visit Rep. DeSaulnier’s website for further updates here.