Coca-Cola ‘energizes’ Richmond first responders


A Coca-Cola Company tractor trailer rolled into Richmond today with the goal of energizing local first responders — and to thank them for working on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Richmond Police Department reports that 32 cases of Coca-Cola’s new drink, Coca-Cola Energy, were delivered by San Leandro-based Reyes Coca-Cola Bottling for officers, dispatchers, and professional staff.

“With long shifts and understaffing, these drinks will help our department through this unprecedented time,” RPD said on its Facebook page.

Recently-retired Capt. Joey Schlemmer, a Richmond resident who is still very involved in the community, made connected the company with RPD.

“He’s always watching out for his RPD family,” the Facebook post stated.

Local first responders have been expressing gratitude at an outpouring of support and generosity, not just from Coca-Cola, but also a bevy of small businesses within the community, as detailed in another Standard story here.