A free, intensive four-day Job Readiness Boot Camp is set to be hosted by the San Pablo Economic Development Corporation from Monday June 10 through Thursday June 13.
The cohort will meet from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. each day, and will feature speakers, workshops and activities focused on the following topics:
- Career Planning and Job Searching
- Resume and Cover Letter preparation
- Interview Coaching and Employer Mock Interviews
- Dynamic Networking Techniques
- Employability and Soft Skills
- Job Retention
- Conflict Resolution
- Financial Literacy & Budgeting
- A resource fair featuring training and service providers
Participants who complete the full four-day program will be eligible to sign up for a Travis Credit Union ACCESS account with $50 matched savings provided by our grants, as well as to receive a referral to Wardrobe for Opportunity to obtain professional attire and receive additional job search services. Additionally, they will have a great opportunity to sign up to receive further job search support from the San Pablo EDC and our partners.
San Pablo EDC will be hosting an orientation for the Boot Camp on Thursday, June 6, at 3 p.m. in its office at 13830 San Pablo Avenue, Suite D (corner of San Pablo Ave and Church Lane) in San Pablo, 94806. All are welcome. Attend the orientation if you are interested in the Boot Camp.
The Boot Camp is entirely grant funded, and will feature speakers and programs offered by several of our partners including Travis Credit Union, the City of San Pablo, and the Contra Costa County Workforce Development Board. This is a great opportunity to get some help and support with your job search, and to take advantage of some great services.
Feel free to call Owen Hershey at (510) 215-3209 with any questions you may have.