WCCUSD Board candidates urged to support career technical education

WCCUSD board candidates asked to support career technical education
Photo credit: WCCUSD

This Community Views piece was submitted by Ron Whittier, Tech Futures (IT Academies); Hon. Judy Johnson, Contra Costa County Bar Association (Law Academies); Desmond Carson, M.D., Lifelong Medical Center (Health Academies); Louis Kim, Hewlett Packard (IT Academies) and Tammy Campbell, Berkeley Lab (Engineering Academies).

Dear Candidates

We, long-time West Contra Costa Career Pathway business partners, wish to support the District’s fundamental mission to provide all essential programs necessary to assure successful development and future careers for all enrolled students. We are committed to making the current and future Career Technical Education (CTE) initiative within the District an on-going success.

In the spring of 2019, the current Board passed a Resolution to significantly increase the direct oversight of the district’s 20 CTE College and Career Pathways programs with over 4,000 high school students enrolled. The imperative of these programs has become increasingly clearer in this period of economic uncertainty, which will certainly impact our students for years to come.

The benefits to our students of career development programs are clear:

  • Higher student graduation and matriculation rates
  • Increased preparedness and performance for college and career
  • Early career exploration and exposure
  • Opportunities for internships and real world learning
  • Career pathways that extend to graduate school

Each of us believes that CTE Pathways provide an essential foundation for success for all students participating in them. We stand committed to support CTE going forward.

We ask you, if elected, to publicly pledge to protect and continue to prioritize WCCUSD Board involvement in, and strong support for, the CTE initiative.

Please email [email protected] if you wish to publicly affirm your pledge.

Thank you.