Sixty at-risk young people from Richmond will receive career training and job placement services in the construction industry thanks to a $1.08 million grant from the U.S. Department of Labor’s YouthBUILD program, according to the city.
The grant received by the city’s Employment & Training Department will provide training and support services for youth ages 16-24 who are high school drop outs or have been involved with the justice system and are looking for employment and training opportunities. Richmond was one of 85 grants nationwide to receive the grant.
The Richmond YouthBUILD program will provide high school diploma/GED preparation, work maturity and essential skills development, construction skills training leading to industry recognized certifications, community service, job placement and support services, according to the city.
Interested applicants can contact the RichmondWORKS Career Center at 330 25th St. by calling (510) 307-8014.