A group of Richmond residents are partnering with local law enforcement agencies today to walk 23rd Street and offer free LED and solar-powered lights and other security devices as part of a human trafficking prevention campaign.
Richmond police reported that over 100 houses along the corridor were visited by me. Home Depot provided support with free security lights, cameras, and fence repair to residents along the 23rd Street Corridor to improve safety.
RPD also provided residents with Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design security surveys.
“This is the first of several efforts that we will conduct in the area to survey resident needs and help the make home improvements,” police said.
It’s all part of the 23rd Street Coalition formed to address security issues and improve the quality of life for residents living along the 23rd Street corridor, according to the Contra Costa District Attorney’s Office.
The coalition includes support from the West County Human Trafficking Taskforce, the Contra Costa District Attorney’s Office, The Family Justice Center, The Latina Center, Richmond PD, STAND and others.
“Human trafficking is a growing crime in our community. The impact on a neighborhood can often be severe and deter the quality of life for residents,” District Attorney Diana Becton said in a statement. “With this community coalition we built links with our partners in law enforcement, businesses and the nonprofit service sectors with the residents directly facing these problems on 23rd Street.”
If you suspect any human trafficking activity, call the Human Trafficking Hotline at 925-957-8658.