BART completes El Cerrito Del Norte Station modernization

BART completes El Cerrito Del Norte Station modernization
Photo credit: BART

By Kathy Chouteau

BART announced Monday on social media that “Phase Two” of its two-part modernization project at the El Cerrito Del Norte Station is completed.

Recent upgrades and improvements as part of Phase Two at the station have included the construction of two new public restrooms and two art walls showcasing landscape and architecture scenes from El Cerrito’s past and present created by artist Kyungmi Shin, per BART.

Other Phase Two improvements have encompassed the addition of LED lighting throughout the station, the introduction of a new bus lane and the construction of a raised pedestrian crosswalk between the parking structure and the station.

BART’s Phase Two upgrades come on the heels of Phase One improvements completed earlier this year at the El Cerrito Del Norte Station, which included a modernized south entrance, two new elevators, two new staircases, an additional fare gate array and a floor-to-ceiling exterior window wall to allow more light into the station.

Other Phase One project improvements included expanding the size of the paid area and adding new LED station lights, an ADA-compliant bus island with shelters, a station agent booth, fire-life safety systems, emergency lighting and improvements to the adjacent Ohlone Greenway.

“The project improves accessibility, safety and the appearance at El Cerrito del Norte Station,” said BART in its statement on social media.

The project’s improvements were funded through State of California Proposition 1B Funds, Contra Costa County Measure J funds and other funds, according to BART, which added that it was coordinated with the City of El Cerrito’s Ohlone Greenway BART Station Area Access, Safety and Placemaking Improvements project.