Q: How long have you worked at Chevron?
I’ve worked for Chevron 30 years – starting in June of 1989. My undergraduate degree is in Chemical Engineering. I actually interviewed with the Richmond Refinery but ended up accepting an offer with a refinery in El Paso, Texas.
Q: What other jobs have you held with Chevron?
I have been in refineries my whole career, mostly on the operations side of the business. I started out as a process engineer (providing technical guidance on operating units), worked as a Shift Supervisor (coordinating operations across a facility) and then had a number of leadership positions at our facilities in Pascagoula, Salt Lake City and Kapolei (about 30 miles from Honolulu) before coming to Richmond in 2015.
Q: How has the refining business changed over the years?
The basics of refining are relatively the same. What has changed most is the technology we use to optimize and improve our operations. Today we have very intelligent computer systems that control the production process. Our smart systems use data to look at multiple touch points for the entire refinery. We also use advanced technologies to measure the thickness of our piping systems.
Q: What are some of the highlights of your work here in Richmond?
It has to be the Refinery Modernization Project which is a generational investment in the future of this facility. Creating a newer, safer, cleaner refinery is important not only for our business, but it will also benefit the Richmond community and the entire Bay Area. I want to recognize Kory Judd for his leadership on this project. Kory is moving to Australia to lead Chevron’s operations in that country.
Q: What are you most excited about in your new role as Refinery General Manager?
The people. We have a great team here at the refinery. They care about this facility and the community. People are really dedicated to doing their jobs well and keeping the refinery running safely and reliably every day. We live and raise our families in the area and want to protect the community.
Q: Are facilities like the Richmond Refinery still important in 2019?
Absolutely. We produce the products people use every day: they get us to work and across the country and around the world to visit family. Our work enables the benefits of modern life – improving lives and powering us forward. We constantly must challenge ourselves to the highest standards and honor our commitment to operate responsibly with trust and integrity.
Q: How does Chevron work with the City of Richmond?
We’ve been part of the community for more than 117 years and we want to do our part to make the city successful. I look forward to a continued productive relationship with the City of Richmond and the community.
Q: What’s your life like outside of work?
We have 4 kids, 4 grand kids and a very large extended family so I spend a lot of time with family goings on. I love photography and with all the family activities over the years I have ended up with about 50,000 photos, which I am slowly organizing. I am also active in my local church and have done things like Cub Scout Den Leader with my wife (I am an Eagle Scout). I also like to volunteer at community events through our community affairs team here at the refinery. I survived cancer about 10 years ago and I have become very interested in evidence-based nutrition and health. I mostly eat a whole plant food diet.
* Note: Alan Davis succeeded Kory Judd as the General Manager of the Richmond Refinery on June 1, 2019.