Teachers needed: County education office to hold hiring fair


Amid statewide shortages of teachers and substitue teachers, the Contra Costa County Office of Education is set to hold a countywide Certificated Job Fair on Saturday, Feb. 26.

“If you are interested in working in education and have a passion for working with students, this is a great event to discover opportunities in the county,” Lynn Mackey, Contra Costa County Superintendent of Schools, said, adding, “This is a good time for those thinking about joining the field or looking to get back in to get into teaching.”

The hiring fair, which will take place from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in the gym at Alhambra High School in Martinez, will feature representatives from 20 school districts and charter schools and four universities. They will discuss credential programs and options for current classified and certificated staff to further their education. Some districts plan to conduct interviews on-site.

Attendees will be required to fill out a health screening, as well as wear a mask at all times while in the venue. To register in advance, visit here, although pre-registration is not required before arriving at the job fair.

A recent Learning Policy Institute report described “severe” shortages at school districts. 

“This study finds that increases in teacher retirements and resignations, alongside a limited supply of candidates and a need for more teaching positions, led to unusually high levels of vacancies in several districts,” the report stated.