Sculpture planned for John F. Kennedy Park in Richmond

Sculpture planned for John F. Kennedy Park in Richmond
John F. Kennedy Park

By Kathy Chouteau

The Richmond Arts and Culture Commission (RACC) and the Recreation and Parks Commission (RPC), is recommending the City Council approve a contract today for a $100,000 public art commission by Tiffany Conway and Ari Takata-Vasquez in Richmond’s John F. Kennedy Park.

The public art commission project would commence at the park July 1, 2023 and continue through December 29, 2024.

The RACC and the Public Art Advisory Committee (PAAC)—together known as the “Commission”—green lighted $100,000 in Public Art Funds last July for the sculpture. The Commission met with the Richmond Neighborhood Coordinating Council (RNCC) and discussed parks in several city communities where the sculpture would be well received.

After soliciting prequalified artists from the Bay Area, the RACC received applications from seven artists. An Art Selection Panel rated the applications and ultimately selected Conway and Takata-Vasquez to receive the $100,000 lump-sum commission contract, according to the City documents.

Eventually, the RACC met with the Public Works Department, and it gave the thumbs up to use JFK Park as the location for the artwork. Then the Plaza Neighborhood Council, which advises on issues related to that park, also ok’d Conway and Takata-Vasquez’ art concept design proposal.

The final step is for the City Council to approve the art commission for a permanent sculpture at JFK Park, as well as the $100,000 contract with Conway and Takata-Vasquez—an action recommended by both the RACC and the RPC. Again, Richmond City Council will make its decision on the project at its meeting tonight.