The sister of beloved Richmond police Officer Kaliah Ashante Harper, who lost her life in a domestic violence incident in 2006, is turning her “pain into power” by creating a children’s book series in the fallen cop’s honor, according to the Richmond Police Department.
Proceeds from sales of the book series, called K. Angel, will benefit the Kaliah’s Heart Foundation, funding the development of books and community programs for the nonprofit organization Kaliah’s Heart, which aims to foster positive interactions between law enforcement and the community.
Officer Harper was fatally shot by her ex-boyfriend as they sat in a car in front of the Fairfield Community Center on Nov. 24, 2006. The killing occurred after a memorial service for two boys killed in a car crash. She was a proactive cop who was loved and respected in the community and who had accomplished a lot in a short time, earning numerous commendations before being placed in special units early in her career, police said.
Her sister, Kadija, is releasing the first book of the K. Angel series, called “Careers,” on July 9. You can pre-order today by clicking here. The series is in general about a police officer who loves to help her school aged friends, while its first book explores career possibilities and encourages kids to dream big, according to RPD.
In 2016, a law enforcement wing at the West County Family Justice Center in Richmond, which provides an array of resources for domestic violence victims, was named in her honor. Detectives stationed at the Family Justice Center investigate cases such as domestic violence.